The Meandering Hedgehog

A place where I craft and share stories about my life in an attempt to live more consciously.



    It is the winter of 2023, and I am buying my first car in Japan. It’s a used car. A small two-wheel drive Japanese rectangle called a Daihatsu Mira Cocoa. It’s a faded yellow colour. When I show a picture of the vehicle to my friend, they say it looks like a stick of butter….

    Read more: BUYING BUTTER
  • COVE

    In October two years ago, I had a strange encounter. Like being picked up by aliens but more terrestrial. It was my first year living in Japan and before the cold started to come in with November, I wanted to go out and swim in the ocean. I lived along the west coast of Hokkaido,…

    Read more: COVE

    In the late fall of last year, I went on a road trip with a friend. My friend is super outdoorsy and loves to be in nature. Compared to me, who grew up in Canada going for hikes and snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, my friend grew up in a place that lacked a lot…

    Read more: TARUMAE

About me…

I am a Canadian who is currently living abroad in Hokkaido, Japan.

I have always been a bit lost in life. But I would like to change that just a little.

I would like to know myself a bit better.

I would like to deepen my appreciation for the world.

I would like to express my gratitude for those who have helped me on my way.

I think the way to do this might be through writing stories.

Thank you for reading.

The Hedgehog’s Dilemma

Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote a metaphor using hedgehogs called “The Hedgehog’s Dilemma” in the Parerga and Paralipomena (1851). It’s about the distances between people in relationships and society. It’s about how close we can get to the warmth of other people without hurting them or being hurt. Schopenhauer compared it to hedgehogs huddling together for warmth in the winter as they remain careful not to poke one another with their spines.